I Hate Fear and Lies So I Became A Chiropractor to Deliver Confidence and Truth

My calling is to help you live your calling. When we are motivated to take on a personal mission, it's typically not simple. Sure, when I wanted to be a school teacher I was positively impacted by a stern teacher and it took me by surprise. I dreaded the end of summer when everyone else found out they had the favorite teachers but not me. My teacher had a reputation as being mean. Naturally, I was petrified but somehow told myself to just deal with it. This was fourth grade. In the end, my memory of that school year was pleasant. While I gave her a run for her money because one of my friends (Yes, someone else ended up in her classroom, too.) and I were endless troublemakers sending notes back and forth, I witnessed to her organization and no nonsense style. I wasn't forgotten. I went to college with dreams of a theatrical career, but I later graduated with a degree in teaching. The lasting impression of this teacher stuck with ...