Vagus Brain Care Is Functional Freedom

When you redefine your definition of health, amazing changes are experienced. 

Here are some explanations: 

Q. What is the mission of Vagus Brain Care Consultants?

A. To give people confidence in their own ability to obtain health freedom through approachable life style changes. 

Q. How is a functional approach different from mainstream medicine?

A. While mainstream medicine is looking for a disease diagnosis to label you with according to a set of symptoms, a functional approach considers all they body systems together as they respond to a stress. The goal is to help the body systems re-balance themselves so they don't become exhausted and fail.

Naming a problem is not the goal with a functional approach.  Boosting every organ's function is the goal.

Mainstream approaches are primarily pharmaceutical or surgical. Functional approaches are drug free and surgery free. 

A symptom can be considered a sign of an "exhausted police force," meaning an overwhelmed body needs some type of nourishing intervention that works in sync with the body.  

The approaches of mainstream medicine are drugs and surgery which both have risks.  The individual  must weigh these risks carefully.  The goal is to stop the symptoms, however, stopping a symptom doesn't necessarily address the source of the  stress that keeps the body out of balance. 

In the functional approach, we ask, why is the body feeling overwhelmed and how can we re-balance the body?

Q. Are there studies showing a benefit?

Statistics demonstrate better outcomes with less overall health care costs from a study done at the Cleveland Clinic Center  for Functional Medicine. 

A 7 year chiropractic study also demonstrated better quality of life indicators such as less hospital admissions, less days in the hospital, less surgeries and prescriptions.  

FROM:   J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007 (May);   30 (4):   263–269  
(Richard L. Sarnat, MD, James Winterstein, DC, Jerrilyn A. Cambron, DC, PhD)

Q. What kind of health problems are helped by a functional approach?

A.  Since no two people are the same, there is no cookie cutter approach.  So there is no "one size fits all" formula.  This is why a long term health coaching relationship is the next generation healing method.  With a bit of education and you, telling your own story, you will be coached on how to determine your own personal goals that will help you re-balance your stressed life.  

Q. What's next?

A. Watch some of my "In Your Court" videos and then schedule a 20 minute goal determination call.  

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